Where We Play

Monday - Friday:

9:00am - 3:00pm

6:00pm - 7:30pm


4:30pm - 7:00pm

(excluding special events)


9:00am - 7:00pm

*Park does not open to the public until January 16, 2023*

Mon - Friday:

8:00am - 3:00pm

6:00pm - 9:00pm


4:30pm - 9:00pm

(excluding special events)


8:00am - 9:00pm

Daily Golf Park hours are subject to change. Junior Programming takes precedent over public play at any time.

The park will close for inclement/dangerous weather.

Advice on Golf Clubs for Your Junior

Chad Moscovic • April 18, 2024

Once your junior has expressed that they enjoy the game of golf, you should consider getting them their own set of golf clubs!

While we do offer clubs for kids to borrow during class, once your junior has signed up for a full session it is time to get them their own set.

Here are a couple guidelines to follow:

  • Giving them a set of clubs also gives them ownership of their game. It makes them a golfer instead of someone just trying out golf. It’s a big difference in the mindset of a junior and it makes them feel like they belong.
  • Having their own set of clubs allows them to practice outside of Ronny programming. Your junior will improve in our classes, but it is helpful for them to also be able to practice outside of class time. Whether they practice on the course or in their backyard, having their own set of clubs gives them the opportunity to improve outside of their hour and a half time slot each week.
  • Properly fit golf clubs are essential to their happiness and success when playing and learning. If clubs are too big and heavy, it will feel extra difficult to make quality swings and hit great shots. We always recommend kids to grow out of old clubs instead of grow into new ones. Light and short is ALWAYS better than heavy and long.
  • US Kids Golf gives the best option with the most sizes to properly fit your junior. Luckily, we have a discount code for you to use. This code will give you 10% off the price as well as free shipping. Use the code USK06917 at checkout on www.uskidsgolf.com.
  • As a golf coach and father, I buy both my kids the properly fitted set once they grow into that size, but not before then. I believe it is very important to have the right equipment.

Pro Tip – Many golf bags and clubs look alike, invest in a cool/fun headcover for the driver that will differentiate your juniors bag from the others. For example, my son has a big shark headcover and my daughter has a unicorn headcover. You can also use a label maker to put your junior's name on the shaft of each club.

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