Where We Play

Monday - Friday:

9:00am - 3:00pm

6:00pm - 7:30pm


4:30pm - 7:00pm

(excluding special events)


9:00am - 7:00pm

*Park does not open to the public until January 16, 2023*

Mon - Friday:

8:00am - 3:00pm

6:00pm - 9:00pm


4:30pm - 9:00pm

(excluding special events)


8:00am - 9:00pm

Daily Golf Park hours are subject to change. Junior Programming takes precedent over public play at any time.

The park will close for inclement/dangerous weather.

Golf For Everyone

The Ronny Golf Park - where everyone is welcome. Kids can learn the game through dedicated junior golf programs, families can have fun together, and our community can connect through the game of golf. The Ronny Golf Park is located on the Northern Texas PGA’s homesite at PGA Frisco. Come putt, chip, play and make memories at The Ronny. There’s no other place like it!

The Different Ways to Play

Junior Programming

Junior programming at The Ronny Golf Park is primarily focused for ages ranging from 3-14. Our coaches have developed programs that are an exciting experience which engage juniors and grow a love for the game of golf.

Register Now

Golf Camps

Golf camps conducted at The Ronny Golf Park are for juniors ages 7-14. Camps are weeklong and allow juniors to bond with other juniors and grow their fundamental skills of the game.

Register Now

Public Play

The Ronny Golf Park is open to the public when there are no programs or camps being run. When using The Ronny, please make sure to abide by all rules. Before you come, make sure it is open using the calendar below. Enjoy and have fun!

Learn More

Rules of the Park

  1. HAVE FUN!
  2. Do not hit from the mulched or landscaped areas.
  3. No pets allowed.
  4. Respect the game, the Golf Park and other golfers.
  5. Golfers/Parents are responsible for any damages to the Golf Park, structures or buildings.
  6. For the safety of other golfers, please direct all your shots to the green closest to you.
  7. Clean up after yourself and always leave The Ronny better than you found it.
  8. Only putters are to be used on the putting course. No wedges and no full swings.
  9. The driving range is designated for Junior Golf Programming only. It is NOT for public use.
  10. No smoking or alcohol.

Hours Open

To Public

Monday - Friday:

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


3:30 pm - 7:00 pm

(excluding special events)


9:00am - 7:00pm

Daily Golf Park hours are subject to change. Junior Programming takes precedence over public play at any time.

The park will close for inclement/dangerous weather.



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